Western Division Report

Monday, November 1, 2021
Election day is November 2nd please vote.
Please make sure you are focused on the task at hand. It is impossible to remove human error but we need to control it as much as possible. If you remember from the company program to reduce switching errors. They talked about the cognitive function of our brain; we need to control it and not get lost in thought especially when we are working. In the West we have had too many close calls where there could have been a fatality.
Recently we had a bridge hit in a bucket truck, and thankfully no one was seriously hurt. This could have happened to any one of us working on the P&M side of the house. Not too long ago we had a member hit a thruway bridge with the load he was hauling.
Make sure you know the height of the truck you are driving and the height of any load you are hauling. Please be aware driver and passenger.
Equipment Operators Art. XXIII;We sent the company a letter for justification of the need for the Article 23.
Today we had a call with the company to go over the letter.
Substations Article XXIII;
The union has had calls with the committee and is close to sending the letter for justification for the Article 23.
Line Article XXIII;
The union is still waiting for the company to respond.
Keep in mind that only the Union Steward has the right to use salty language to get their point across to management. We just had a member get a week off for this.
Looking for replacements for the West Business Representatives.
Jim Murty
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager West


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