Monday, March 29, 2021
Hang in there, we have been at this for a year now. Wearing masks, socially distancing, staying home, and missing out on some of the finer things in life. With that said, I believe there is light ahead. We should be next in line for vaccines, and they appear to be helping. Restaurants can add more people and weddings are reappearing all around. We have seen major changes over the last year, some we have never seen before. One thing that has stayed un-waivered is your ability to do your job safely and efficiently. Safety must be the core of our daily activities to allow us to live a long and prosperous life. Safety is what kept our number of Covid positives to an exceptionally low number compared to the total number of members.
We are beginning to work on the Article XXIII’s that were submitted before the pandemic hit. I have reached out to stewards and designees to sit on the committees for input. I encourage all to give ideas to your steward to send to the committee. Let us take the time to make this process pay off. We want you to understand this does not have to just be about money it could be other ideas that make things better for our members. This process takes time and is based off things we do different today and changes that have developed since we last negotiated.
By the time of this writing, you should have received a new contract insert from the last negotiations. If not, please contact your steward and they should be able to help. There has been a lot of talks about when the union meetings will be back. We have been discussing this for months now as all of us are still in disbelief that this pandemic can still be around. I will say as I did earlier, we are a lot closer now than we were at the beginning of this. As things open and gatherings are allowed with greater numbers, we should be getting there. We also do not like getting the time to meet face-to-face but patience will win out. Until then please contact your stewards for questions and they will reach out to us. If that does not work, you can contact the hall.
Stay Safe:
Bill Maloney
Local 97 Business Representative


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