Thursday, April 29, 2021
I have been reporting for the last couple of months about the concerns raised in regard to the URD/UCD work. The work to resolve those concerns is close to completion, we’re in the process of working out the language on the final agreement. The parties have agreed that this new process will be implemented as a 1-year pilot to determine if both the workgroup and the company are happy with the outcome.
Work continues for Article XXIII’s, the staff is working with the committees to finish up the brotherhood proposals. I will update everyone as things develop.
We have scheduled 3rd step grievances for May 5th, please review the E-board minutes for information on the outcome of those.
This month we have been working towards the completion of the annual discipline review. The first phase is complete and we’re moving toward the completion of the second phase of that process.
As a reminder, we are still seeing disciplines relevant to the Covid call in response to the ‘My Cordy’ line, we have been diligent in reminding people to call and working with any issues that have come up with regard to that process. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CALL!
As always, should any member have a question, an issue or concern please contact your steward or if they’re unavailable call the hall directly.
Spring is here, " somewhat "! Also, Covid vaccines have become readily available to everyone, so get vaccinated, it's the right thing to do. Time has been made available for all represented folks to do so. Please make sure you keep on top of your daily symptom check call-in. We have been doing some lighting updates to the Albany Hall by changing out over 320 incandescent and fluorescent bulbs to LED and shedding over 8,500 watts of the lighting load. Also, touchless sanitizers, handwash and paper towel dispensers have been installed. As always Work Safe, and hope to see everyone soon.
Bill Vincent
Business Representative
Summer is almost here. Keep in mind, when driving, that with the nice weather comes more people outside, especially children. Be aware of your surroundings, Kids playing near the street, chasing balls etc. into the street from behind parked cars, also children on bikes.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Givney
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager East
Spring is here, or is it? Snow can cause us to ask that, but rest assured it will not last as long. Why do I bring this up? Our jobs are sophisticated and complex, to begin with, now throw in snow, wind, traffic or nighttime and it can all change. The point is to stay focused to ensure we all go home safe. Watch out for each other and we will have a long prosperous career.
By now vaccinations are in full swing, your allowed time to get that done so please utilize that wisely. Continue your vigilance when around others; keep the distance it seems to be working.
We will have our first Officers meeting coming up in May. We will gauge how this works and see where we are in the future months to get back to normal or whatever that will look like. Please use your stewards and Chief stewards to get the info or go to our website.
We are into the Article XXIII process with Line. We have a committee set that consists of members from all 3 divisions in NY and ABM’s. You may be asked to help come up with ideas of how we can improve things. Talk with your stewards and get involved.
In closing I ask that we treat each other with respect and dignity. Just because we do not agree on something does not mean we need to be disrespectful to each other. Open minds can solve many problems, sometimes it just takes a conversation. Everyone has something to add in life.
Bill Maloney
Business Representative
Let’s not forget COVID-19 is still a risk. If you are planning on getting vaccinated there is a law, which New York put into effect on March 12, 2021. This law requires the Employer to give each employee up to 4 hours of paid time off per vaccination. If it is a 2-shot vaccination than up to 8 hours off, if a 1 shot vaccination than up to 4 hours off. This time off is above and beyond any earned time off you may be entitled to. The Labor Law is "Leave Time For Covid-19 Vaccination" #196-C.
Don Netto
Local 97 Business Representative/Organizer
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