Monday, March 28, 2022
I hope everyone enjoyed a Great St Patrick’s day!
An update on the ‘work from home’ agreement: To date we still have no agreements in any departments. We have a document on the table to be signed. Unfortunately the company has yet to do so. I’m aware the company has been bringing groups in with some full time and some on an improvised ‘Flex schedule’. We’re working towards a solution. I will keep updating everyone as things develop.
I met with the Line Op’s group to discuss Safety, Training opportunities in the upcoming year, Map update issues, Foremen training and several local barn concerns in a few areas.
We have begun the annual discipline review process and will be getting notifications out to members where we are successful at getting documents out of files.
We’re working toward the end of project reviews and should have them all done soon.
We are continuing to push the Article XXIII’s ahead with the company and we’ll continue putting out updates on that front.
Please keep an eye on our website for any new information.
As always, should any member have a question, an issue or concern, please contact your steward or if they are unavailable call the hall directly.
Steve Givney
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager East
Reviews of the 2022 FR Clothing and prices are underway, so the numbers should be crunched by week's end. The Article XXIII committee for Substations has received a response from the Company in regards to our proposal. I will contact the committee members with a time and date so we can review that. Please make sure everyone spends their clothing allowance. There are only 14 days left. Work Safe.
William W. Vincent
Business Representative
Project reviews were held the week of March 14th.
Still waiting for the Company to supply a list of discipline letters in order for us to review them with the company.
Brookfield Bear Swamp:
Reviewed safety procedure and waiting on the Company to respond to our concerns.
The Company has posted a Maintenance Technician 6 position.
Liberty Utilities:
Participated in the informational meeting regarding the new management organization chart.
Held Union/Management quarterly review meeting.
Closing on the plant occurred on February 23rd.
Still working on several issues regarding Employee benefits, vacation carry-over and 401K.
Settled grievance #2021-01, at 2nd step. The Company stated that it would no longer require the POSS/MOSS testing for operations. This is a positive decision for the Union.
CAMS has handed out “Employee Handbooks”. This Handbook was never negotiated with Local 97. Ted has put the Company on notification for the need to negotiate. Ted also notified the company that he has instructed the Members not to sign Section 18 of the handbook.
Don Netto
Business Representative

Renew Committee
We are selling Local 97 Yeti mugs. Please contact your steward or a RENEW Committee member to purchase a mug.
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