Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Memorial Day - I would like to start by thanking the Men and Women who lost their lives serving the military in our great country. Memorial Day may be one of the most important of all federal holidays because not only did our fallen soldiers give their lives, they gave their all. I would like to thank the families, friends, and fellow soldiers who lost a loved one in service to our country. To our Veterans I want to say thank you; it's because of all Veterans' past and present we get to live in freedom. We may have differences of opinions but we are all Americans at the end of the day. We are in the greatest country in the world.
Article XXIII: We are moving forward with Article XXIII for Operating Engineers, Substations and Line in the West.
Grievances - Second step Grievances are scheduled for May 27th. We will be contacting you. Third step grievances are scheduled for June 6th and we will contact you.
Safety - Please we have had some recent accidents in the West. I am asking everyone to reflect on the events and learn from them. We are not in any rush to get work done that it can't be done safely. Sometimes we place perceived pressure on ourselves to get work done. There is no job so important that it can't be done safely. The start of every job safety is the job brief; make sure the crew understands the task at hand. Use the job brief as a tool for those in progression to learn from.
Jim Murty
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager West

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