Business Managers Report

Monday, November 18, 2019

I am unable to make tonight’s meeting because we have finally reached a tentative agreement with NRG and we are in the process of putting a packet together for explanation and voting.

As mentioned before if anyone is using CBD oils please check with your doctor as some have been found to contain THC, which could show as a positive on a drug test.

 We have also refocused efforts on safety and as always if something is not right please “Stop the Job.”

 The National Grid contract extension was ratified and will provide for three more years of job security as we continue to work through issues.

 GBE has been delayed until April, at this point I am requesting that you keep all company issued IPads and cell phones at work.

 I realize the announcement from PSEG that they are looking to sell the Albany plant is distracting, however; ask that everyone stay focused on the work at hand and remain safe.

 The sale of Saint Lawrence Gas has been finalized and will now be run by Liberty. We will have upcoming negotiations with Liberty as that contract expires in February.

 I hope everyone remembered our veterans over the past holiday and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.


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