Elections are coming in November. Please exercise your right to vote. Hopefully everyone has registered to vote.
We have wrapped up our Solidarity picnics. They were all well attended and everyone had a wonderful time.
The delegates attended the International Convention in St. Louis. The 52 resolutions that we voted on are on our website for your review.
We have been tied up in negotiations for 97c which is the Clerical unit in Syracuse. Their contract which was to expire at the end of September has been extended to the end of the year. With the Fitzpatrick plant being saved we have had retention negotiations with Exelon and transition negotiations with Entergy. We still have negotiations upcoming for Service employees and the Town of Worcester and then for 97 Blue Book in March of next year.
I attended an NGrid Safety Leadership meeting. There was more emphasis on Safety and we will see where it goes. I am trying to get off discipline for Safety issues and use it more as a learning tool. Remember to try and do your job safely and we will back you up 110%. The problem comes in when you do not follow the rules.
Open enrollment has started and will end on October 25th at 6:00 p.m. You should all have received your packet of information. Make sure you take a look at them.
Theodore J. Skerpon