The long-term weather report for the Northeast is anticipating a much colder and snowier season than we've experienced in recent years. Due to these extreme conditions, it is important to make sure you have the appropriate clothing (gloves, boots, balaclava) for the challenging weather, as well as an extra set of clothing on your truck.
Also coming into effect, the daylight hours create potential hazards especially working scheduled later shifts. Ensure your trucks are outfitted for these conditions with extra signs, cones, and lighting. With a higher usage of fuel in winter months, it is essential to be aware of fluid levels in your truck and equipment.
The human body burns more calories trying to stay warm, make sure you've consuming nutritious foods and drinks to keep you warm and healthy. This will also help starve off cold and flu.
With snow comes snowplows, lower-visibility, slower drivers, and possible hazardous traffic conditions. Longer hours, coupled with colder extreme weather, makes it even more important to watch out for each other, each and every day. -Fran Capozzie, IBEW Local 97 Gas Safety Advocate - Central