Tuesday, August 3, 2021
Article XXIII discussions are scheduled to begin this month. The company was slow to come to the table, however, we are looking forward to getting this process moving. I will update everyone as things develop.
With the changing restrictions regarding COVID, we are hoping to see an easing of the requirements. As things change, we will report out to the membership as soon as possible. In the meantime, please be diligent in following the process in place.
We have 3rd step grievances scheduled for August 5th. Please review the E-board minutes for information on the outcome of those.
As always, should any member have a question, an issue or concern please contact your steward or if they are unavailable call the hall directly.
Steve Givney
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager East
Now well into Summer, we are hearing of some crime and other unruly public behavior. Vehicles and in some cases our members have been struck with BB’s or other pellets shot by members of the public. In other cases, street parties have blocked access to our facilities or jobsites. Please stay alert, calmly remove yourself from the area or situation and contact your supervisor, on-call, dispatch, or if appropriate call 911 so that the incident can be addressed.
Please enjoy the summer and your scheduled vacations with family and friends. We work hard and safely to pay the bills for all the things we like to do away from work.
Dan Machold
Business Representative
Summer is upon us, and we are seeing more unsettled weather each week. Stay focused and safe. Continue to hydrate as the temperatures go up. Watch out for each other and everyone will go home safely.
We are going to be meeting with the company for the Article XXIII’s we submitted. Line and underground have a new one-year pilot of a URD/UCD MOA. I will be getting that to the stewards so everyone is aware of the changes.
I will be making my way to each barn to discuss the latest things transpiring. If you have any concerns, bring them up then. Until then be safe and keep up the great work.
Bill Maloney
Business Representative

Hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable Summer.
Below is a brief summary of what has taken place this past month:
Settled grievance regarding rest time.
Will be working with the Company to issue a new contract book.
Held meeting with the Company on some concerns in the Billing Department.
Company agreed to hold a quarterly meeting with the union in order to have better communications between the parties.
Participated in a couple of local safety meetings.
- Held discipline letter review with the Company.
- Had conversation with the Company regarding cell phone use.
- Reminder for all to be vigilant with personal cell phone use while on Company time, Company does track Data usage at each plant.
- Do not post anything on social media with regards to Brookfield Power.
The Company has returned all employees back to their respective headquarters. Remember to still follow all COVID protocol. If unvaccinated or you choose not to prove vaccination to the Company please wear a mask, when not able to social distance. We are not totally out of the woods yet.
A 2-year contract extension has been ratified; the extension passed by over a 90% approval rate.
- Attended the monthly Safety Council Meeting.
- Attended the Enterprise Union DEI and Culture Council Meeting. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please contact Jim Cacciotti or Josh Moore.
- Working on the issue of 4 employees' I-9 Forms missing from the Company's files. These employees have already been notified by the Company.
RENEW Committee:
Like to welcome Ron Goodnough from Exelon as a new member to the committee.
Held Committee Meeting:
- Discussed holding a fall activity, for each Division in hopes of getting us back together again outside of work. Keep a look out for posters in your respective locations.
- Discussed organizing larger events for the coming year.
- Each Division will have a subcommittee meeting in their respective divisions. If anyone is willing to help organize events in your division, please contact a RENEW committee member.
Organizing Committee:
Held Committee Meeting:
- Discussed different ways to get our message out to attract nonunion workers to join our local.
- Researched companies that we will target for organizing.
- Made a list of potential groups that we will try to contact to educate them on the benefits of being organized.
- If anyone knows of a group of employees that may be interested in organizing, please forward the information to one of the members of the committee or your local Union Hall.
Thanks for working safe!
Don Netto
Business Representative/Organizer
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