Tuesday, July 27, 2021
I hope everyone enjoyed their Fourth of July.
We are getting into the peak summer season. Please stay hydrated, protect your skin from the sun; use sun screen and safety sun glasses. Look out for ticks and protect yourself from them with the products provided by the company. During the day inspect yourself for ticks and at the end of your day do a thorough examination.
We have had a rash of RTC'S mostly backing and close quarter driving. Please make sure if available use someone to back you up. If you are alone, just before you are going to back up, do a circle of safety. In congested areas use your cones to prevent other vehicles from parking too close to your truck, giving you room to maneuver.
Progression Checklist;
The progression checklist still needs to get reviewed in the barns. The person responsible for the completion of the checklist is the member in progression. Do not wait until the week before school to get your book completed. To the foremen, please be fair and honest in your review of the task being signed off on. The Union Steward and supervisor should be doing the reviews in the barns.
Jim Murty
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager West
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