Western Division Report

Saturday, July 11, 2020

With great sadness we have lost one of own a young Hot Stick Lineman from the Stow line Ricky Spoon. Ricky and his wife, Kaitlin, are expecting their first child this October. Ricky passed during a physical fitness challenge in California. His brother Robert is a Chief Line Mechanic in the same barn with Ricky.

Donations can be made by check to:

In Memorial of Richard Spoon
Inner Lakes Federal Credit Union
19-21 E. Main Street
Westfield, NY 14787

Cash donations can also be made by contacting Paul Price (716-664-1406), Stow line.

Our thoughts and prayers go to Ricky's wife Kaitlin, brother Robert and all of Ricky's family. -Jim Murty - ABM - Western Division 

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