Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Keith Shorney (Traveling Operator Syracuse) pictured with his son Matt (CMS Syracuse) and Paula Reynolds (Chair of National Grid Board of Directors) after receiving his Life Saving Award for his actions on Marc h 31,2021. Keith was on his way home from work that morning when he came upon a head on collision, he then assisted with removing the driver of one of the vehicles from her burning vehicle and administering first aid until Emergency personnel arrived. See attached article.
Living our values: Upstate NY colleague saves woman from burning car
By Matteo Urella Wed, Apr 14, 2021 11:54 AM

Do the Right Thing. Find a Better Way. Make It Happen. As part of a globally recognized ethical company, we’re all looking for opportunities to live our values.
Rare, however, is the opportunity to live all three – at once.
Enter Keith Shorney.
Keith is a NY Electric Travelling Operator out of Syracuse and was heading home from work last week when he came across a serious multi-car motor vehicle accident near Fulton, New York. With flames already coming out of one of the cars, Keith could see the accident had the potential to turn even worse, very fast.
Equally fast was Keith, who – along with two other men – did not hesitate to 'do the right thing' and assisted in freeing and removing one of the drivers who was trapped in her burning vehicle.

“I jumped out of my vehicle and saw her," said Keith. "She was half in the car, half out, trying to breathe because of all the smoke. She was getting burned from down below. I tried to get the door open; tried pulling her out, but I couldn’t. Her legs were all pinched in and crushed and burned. Another guy had come over and tried helping me, but we couldn’t get her out even together. There was a guy who jumped inside the car and he pushed her legs free and we yanked her out at that point. Her pants were still on fire; we got her to the side of the road.”
Less than 10 seconds later, the car exploded in flames captured in the photos above and below.
Keith immediately began treating the driver with the burn kit he kept in his car – 'finding a better way' to help while waiting for the paramedics to arrive. His ability to 'make it happen' – and manage, assist, and help the driver - began and ended with instinct.
As Keith describes it, no credit or appreciation is needed.
“I am just glad there were people at the scene who cared – who were working at trying to get her out of there and protect her,” he said.
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