Update on Vaccine Mandate

Wednesday, November 24, 2021
A Message from Business Manager Ted Skerpon
As of writing this, Local 97 is in negotiations with PSE&G over the vaccine mandate.
National Grid has been meeting with GSA for clarification as it relates to federal contract agreements that will renew in the short term versus those that have expiration dates well into the future. However, no further information is available at this time.
All other properties are still in a holding pattern pending the outcome of any future GSA guidance and the OSHA ETS ruling.
Along with IBEW Locals 10, 36, 1049, and 1249, Local 97 has requested the International Office to use any influence they have on Washington to, at the very least, utilize the OSHA ETS, which allows for the options of vaccinate or test.
Local 97 has sent National Grid a "Cease and Desist/Information Request" concerning the federal contractor vaccine mandate. We have also sent them a response to the religious accommodation process, setting our expectations.
Once we receive responses to any of the above, we will let you know.
Local 97 will continue to manage this issue as best we can in order to keep all of our members working in a safe and healthy environment. Please remember that these issues are very fluid and we will update you as new information becomes available.
Please take time out to reflect on everything we have to be thankful for and enjoy time with your families and friends this Thanksgiving.
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