Protecting workers, ratepayers and the environment

Monday, June 6, 2016

We recently held a press event in Albany to bring attention to incidences of acts of violence against utility workers. In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, it is a class-D felony to assault a utility employee, and we want the same protections here in New York. We ask that lawmakers help us provide for these protections and support our Utility Worker Assault Bill. 

We are also in the process of working with the State in Utility ownership of large scale renewables (LSR) as we look to reform the way New York produces, maintains and delivers power across New York State. According to the Public Service Commission (PSC), the potential state subsidies needed to achieve these goals could total $2.4 billion for new renewable energy suppliers, resulting in about $4.3 billion in carbon reduction benefits. This includes $270 million for nuclear plant owners, creating $3 billion in carbon benefits. While nuclear, which is a major responsible employer and clean energy provider, would be eligible for the subsidy under the proposal, nuclear power would not be counted toward the 50 percent renewable energy goal. The PSC projects that the program would add less than $1 a month to typical residential electricity bills by 2020. I ask that you support our endeavors to protect both the utility workforce, the ratepayer and the environment.