Business Managers Report

Monday, March 18, 2019


We have an arbitration on disability retirement issue coming up.


I have sent a letter looking for discussion on the Cash Balance issue to Tom Ryan, VP of Labor, and waiting on dates from the Company; looking at an April timeframe.

Project reviews are taking place in all divisions.

Warehouse – We have a Tentative Agreement on a driver position. We hope to have it finished by next week.

CMS safety issues – met with VP Brian Santos and they are now looking at some type of Code Blue, checking vehicles where there is no remote and some that need two keys with possibly getting key fobs and possible training for deescalating a tense situation.

CMS Gas fitting trucks - looking at DOT medical cards because of weight limits on new trucks. They are claiming they are out of compliance. They are thinking of testing everyone and see who fails and who does not to see if we have an issue. They do have to negotiate.

We have a meeting with Keith McAfee on the19th. We have several grievances and 40 arbitrations pending which is unheard of. Our recourse is our grievance process.

Met with John Bruckner to bring issues to him. Storm issues with non-union contractors on property and releasing our crews before contractors.

Meeting with Labor on the 14th regarding SAP issues with second steps and progression. Supervisors are putting it in but not going anywhere. Several issues with SAP. Labor has a printout showing where not paid correctly and timely. Hope to get resolved quickly. If you do have an issue, call the SDC (Service Delivery Center) and get a tracking number.

401k true up issues – When you hit your limit on 401k contributions but Company still owes you your match; they are looking at a June timeframe for paying.

UG Utica Project first part of April. There is a lot of work for us.


We are wordsmithing final agreement and hope to get to members shortly.


We will be meeting with the new owners Liberty at some point. Sale should be finalized sometime the middle of summer and then will talk to us about the Fleet.


Have an arbitration case regarding use of personal time which is our old Code 14. They will give them the time off but do not want to pay them.