Business Manager's Report

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

We are a little short staffed right now. ABM Jim Murty from the West was involved in an accident on his motorcycle when a deer ran in front of him He is pretty banged up and will be out awhile. ABM Jim Card from Central is having health issues and will be out for awhile as well. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


They did a 401k audit three year look back. They found some errors in the auto enrollment with some over and under payments. It ended with $5,000 owed. Letters will be going to members to rectify any issues.


The Benefits Committee met and presented some proposals regarding cash balance pension. Will be reviewing with our attorney and going over with a financial advisor before sending to the Company.

I have been informed that Mark Sikorski, Director of Support Services, and Kim Marie Percey, Maps & Records, have been terminated from the Company.

Regional Control Agreement – hope to do a few minor changes and sign soon.

UG Auto Progression Agreement – we are close to signing.

Consumer Relations Grievances – working on getting them resolved soon.

Sick Pay Agreement - Need to resolve some grievances associated with it and then will be signing.

Setting up quarterly meetings with Keith McAfee and staff. We met to set the stage for this going forward. He is committed to it. We have issues with storms and ARCO’s that needs to be resolved.

We were approached about a possible organizing campaign out of Syracuse but they never showed up at the initial meeting.

A lot of issues with ARCO’s when getting called and putting in pin and kicking you out. The phone company and ARCO’s blaming each other. Company is now trying to push to put an app on your phone. They are still working on it.

We are monitoring Senate bills related to storm response and possibly setting staffing and equipment levels. We will continue to keep an eye on them.

There are surveys out there telling the Company what you feel and they do gather information. However, now they are trying to get stewards to hold host meetings at the barns to ask questions on why you feel the way you do. Let us know if they ask you to do it. We are not interested in doing that. Put Labor on notice. I have a call with the Company to see where we can do better.

Bonus percentage of 4.07 is out there. Everyone should have their bonus.


They did an audit on Pension. Company overpaid three members and underpaid four members. They need to make corrections. Letters will be going out to inform the retirees.

We are in support of a bill for redeveloping former power plants. Phil Wilcox has been working on doing something at Dunkirk and Huntley; trying to get an update on the sale of Huntley but NRG is dragging their feet.


Went to what they are calling a mindset meeting which is their way to do more with less is what I got out of it. They are looking at both management and union and right now are not looking to layoff and the process will take some time.