Thursday, April 29, 2021
The Clayton issue was resolved through a Pre-Arbitration Settlement.
System grievance filed on behalf of the individuals which the company claims their pensions were miscalculated. 3rd step grievances scheduled on 4/27/2021.
Underground Trainer MOA has been signed by Company and Union.
Article XXIII’s are still being discussed for Line Department, Heavy Haulers, Gas Welders and Stations
Arbitrations are scheduled for June.
There are 97C positions that are being posted externally.
Jim Card
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager Central
NMP U1 completed a very successful refuel outage earlier this month. The work was completed and the unit returned to service in just over 19 days. More importantly, all of this work was performed with no first aides or OSHA recordable injuries.
There will be 16 positions coming up soon for Security Officers at Exelon Nine Mile Point.
Michael Bradshaw
Business Representative

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