Business Managers Report

Monday, April 17, 2017

We were notified by the International that our Vice President Don Siegel will be retiring in June. His replacement will be Mike Welsh.

In the Central Division members are getting calls from National Life Insurance saying Local 97 is endorsing them. We are not endorsing them and if you receive a call, please call the hall and let us know.

Retirees are having issues with Connexus regarding dropping their medical benefits and saying some of them are not paying their bills. Some of the members are not even receiving bills. Please let us know if you hear of anyone having an issue.

There was a dues increase April 1st which coincides with the general wage increase for National Grid property.

We met with the company on the new crane certification for National Grid. They will be getting information out shortly. They will be making sure you will receive any necessary training. They will be giving out study guides. The company wants to make sure everyone passes.

I have been talking about the Established Service Pilot. They were going to stop it but company has now decided to extend it for three more months to June. I will be getting together with members in the pilot along with people whose jobs may be affected by this to get their opinions on how it is working. This is creating a one-stop shop for customers.

We are having a conversation about MAD (Minimum Approved Distance) and trying to work thru that to get some clarification. It is really a legality issue with liability for your distance plus.

We were approached by National Grid for help with their rate case filing the 28th of April. They are asking for our support and I am waiting for information back on what we can do and what we can get if we support it.

Effective April 1st the sale of the Entergy Fitzpatrick Nuclear Plant to Exelon has been approved. We still have issues with the Clean Energy Standard we have to work thru.

I was notified that the Town Board has approved the Town of Worcester contract extension. The six year contract was ratified by our members.

Theodore J. Skerpon

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