Upstate Energy Jobs: Petition in Support of Upstate nuclear plants

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Instructions: Included here is a petition which will be sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo voicing support for the inclusion of nuclear energy in the Clean Energy Standard. Nuclear energy is a safe, clean and reliable source of power which plays an important role in the New York economy, including supporting thousands of jobs and contributing millions in tax revenue. This petition is hosted on and can be found online here:

Those wishing to distribute the petition in person, you can download the sheets here. 

Petition signers should include the follow information in the designated fields:

1.     Full first and last name
2.     Email address
3.     Street address
4.     Zip code

Please return all petition sign-up sheets to Chris Curry so that we have an accurate count of the total number of signers. Petition sign-up sheets can be returned to Chris via mail or scanned and sent via email:

If being sent via mail, please send the petition sheets in an envelope addressed to:

Dewey Square Group
c/o Chris Curry
607 14th St. NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

If being sent via email, please scan the petition sheets and email to

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