Central Division Report

Monday, November 23, 2020
Day of Reflection Meetings are being help throughout the divisions and a lot of good feedback is coming from the members on safety related issues.
We are still hearing 2nd & 3rd step grievances.
We are preparing for upcoming arbitration and are awaiting a final ruling on others.
There is an agreement with the company that we can utilize the carry-over vacation for the entire year of 2021 instead of the normal cutoff date of April 30th. Please use your vacation by 12/31/20 as if you do not use you will not be paid out for it.
All union meetings for the Month of November have been canceled.
Any COVID-19 questions or concerns please call: 1-888-483-2123.
Please Enjoy your Holiday and please be safe - wear your mask.
Jim Card
IBEW Local 97
Assistant Business Manager Central


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